College Essay Writing
Our essay experts help you select topics and themes to craft the ideal essays
College essays are more important than ever
i2i helps your essays stand out from the pack
Crafting the perfect college essays
The college admissions process has been disrupted by the global pandemic, leaving application essays as one of the few traditional options that admissions officers can rely on to evaluate students.
If you’re not sure that you’re crafting the best possible essay and making yourself stand out from the crowd, contact us for a free consultation.
i2i will review options with you to improve existing essay drafts or to help you generate ideas if you don’t know where to begin.
Our writing experts can help you select topics and themes and craft an essay that represents your strengths as an applicant.
Check out our ongoing blog series on college essay tips for more insight and advice!
No videos, no self-guided practice questions – i2i provides you with a live, experienced tutor who communicates with you and guides you one-on-one through every session
All you need is an internet connection and a compatible device, and our tutors can connect with you anywhere, any time that’s convenient for your hectic schedule.
You get real-time feedback and personalized advice on the practice you complete. No generic suggestions or test tricks.
Our remote tutors are available on a much more flexible schedule than center-based staff, so we can work with you virtually around the clock to find meeting times that are compatible with your schedule.
Advice from our college essay blogs
How much pain is required for a great college essay?
The good news is, no - pain is not an essential ingredient in college essays. No, we’re not talking about the pain...
How should I write about COVID in my college essay?
One of the most common pieces of writing advice, which you may have heard in relation to college essay writing, is to...
College Essays 101: Plotting your story
We’ve established some key elements of good storytelling in previous installments, such as characters, setting, and...

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Tailored Solutions
With more than a decade working one-on-one with individual as well as groups of students, i2i Education recognizes that every student is different, necessitating unique strategies.
We tailor our strategies to maximize each student's strengths and give them the tools to overcome their challenges.
Through our encounters with thousands of students and seeing first-hand how students make mistakes, we have developed unique ways to help students improve quickly.